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cannot remain with them, he is then received into the care of spiritual angels; and successively afterwards into the care of good spirits. For all who come into the other life, whoever they may be, are welcome guests who meet a kind reception.

But as every one's desires follow him, he who has led a wicked life cannot abide long with the angels and good spirits, but successively separates himself from them; repeating these separations till he comes among spirits whose life is similar and conformable to that which he had while in the world. It then appears to him as if he was in his former bodily life; and, in fact, his present life is a continuation of his past. From this life his judgment commences. They who have led a wicked life, in process of time descend into hell: and they who have led a good life, are by degrees elevated by the Lord into heaven. Such is the last judgment of every individual person; of which we have spoken from experience in the First Part of this work. (A. C. 2117-2119.)


It is known to every Christian from the Word, that every one's life remains with him after death; for it is there declared in many passages, that man will be judged and rewarded according to his deeds and works. Every one also who thinks from good and from real truth, cannot help seeing that he who