Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/75

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faith only so far as it proceeds from love; and that deeds or works proceed from both. Hence it follows that the will or love is the man himself; for whatever proceeds belongs to that from which it proceeds. To proceed is to be brought forth and exhibited in a suitable form, in order that it may be comprehended and seen.

From these considerations it is manifest that faith separate from love is not faith, but mere science which in itself is void of spiritual life; in like maner that a deed or work without love, is not a deed or work of life, but a deed or work of death, wherein there is an appearance of life derived from the love of evil and from faith of what is false. This appearance of life is what is called spiritual death.


It is further to be observed, that the whole man is exhibited in his deeds or works; and that his will and thought, or his love and faith, which are his interiors, are not complete until they exist in deeds or works which are his exteriors; for these latter are the ultimates wherein the former terminate, and without which terminations they are as things vague and unlimited which have as yet no existence, and therefore are not yet in the man.

To think and to will without doing, when there is opportunity, is like a flame shut up in a close vessel,