Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/79

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The like occurs in hell, where also they are consociated according to loves which are the opposite of the loves of heaven.

That man after death is his own love, has also been made evident from this, that those things are then removed, and as it were taken away from him, which do not make one with his ruling love. If he is good, all things discordant or disagreeing with his good are removed, and as it were taken away, and he is thus let into his own love.

The like occurs if he is evil,—but with this difference, that truths are taken away from the evil, and falsities from the good; and this process goes on until every one at last becomes his own love. This takes place when the man-spirit is brought into the third state, which will be treated of hereafter. When this is accomplished, he turns his face steadily to his own love, which he has continually before his eyes in whatever direction he turns himself.

All spirits may be led at pleasure, provided they be kept in their ruling love; nor can they resist, even though they are perfectly aware of being so led, and think that they will resist. The experiment has often been tried whether they could do anything contrary to it; but to attempt it was in vain. Their love is like a cord or rope fastened around them as it were, whereby they can be drawn along, and from which they cannot extricate themselves.

The case is similar with men in the world; for