Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/86

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also intelligent and wise; but they who are corporeal loves are stupid and as it were foolish.

When permission is given to inspect the interiors and exteriors of the thought and affection of those who are in heavenly love, their interiors appear like light,—those of some like flaming light,—and their exteriors appear of various beautiful colors like those of the rainbow; but the interiors of those who are in corporeal love appear like something black, because they are closed; and in some cases they have a dusky, fiery appearance; these latter are they who have been interiorly in malignant deceit; but their exteriors appear of a shocking color, and melancholy to look upon.

They who are in corporeal love can see nothing in the light of heaven, that light being thick darkness to them; but the light of hell, which is like that from ignited coals, is to them as clear light. Their interior sight is also darkened, in the light of heaven, to such a degree that they become insane; therefore they shun that light, and hide themselves in dens and caverns, at a depth proportioned to their falsities derived from evils.

But on the other hand, those who are in heavenly love see all things more clearly in proportion as they enter more interiorly or superiorly into the light of heaven; and all things appear to them more beautiful also, and truths are perceived more intelligently and wisely in the same proportion.