Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 1.djvu/98

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no idea of darkness like that of night in the world. And they also live in a vernal temperature. There are exhibited before them as it were fields and harvests, and likewise vineyards. Everything in their houses glistens as if made of precious stones. To look through the windows, is like looking through pure crystals. These are the delightful objects of their sight. But the same things are interiorly delightful on account of their correspondence with divine-celestial things; for the truths derived from the Word which they have loved, correspond to harvests, vineyards, precious stones, windows, and crystals.

They who have applied the doctrinals of the church derived from the Word immediately to life, are in the inmost heaven, and in the enjoyment of the delights of wisdom above the rest. In every single object they behold things divine. They see the objects, indeed, but the divine things corresponding to them flow immediately into their minds, and fill them with a blessedness wherewith all their sensations are affected. Hence all objects, to their eyes, seem as it were to laugh, sport, and live.

They who have loved the sciences, and have cultivated their rational faculty by means of them, and thus have procured to themselves intelligence, and at the same time have acknowledged the Divine, find the pleasure which they derived from the sciences, and their rational delight, turned in the other life