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to the avowed claim) was entrusted a mission so momentous. They wish to know how he was born an nurtured; how he lived and wrought; and what was thought of him by those who knew him intimately and were therefore qualified to judge of his character. Such desire is both natural and lawful; and I therefore proceed to give a brief sketch of our author's life, labors and character, that the reader may judge for himself whether he was worthy of an embassage so sublime as the one he repeatedly and solemnly claimed.


Emanuel Swedenborg was born in Stockholm, Sweden, January 29th, 1688; and died in London, March 29th, 1772—having attained the then unusual age of 84 years.

He was ascended from a family of rich and respectable miners—mining being at that time one of the most important industries in Sweden. He was the second son of Jesper Svedberf, who was a man of considerable note, having filled successively the offices of Court chaplain, Dean of Vingäker, Professor of Theology in the University of Upsal, Superintendent of the Swedish churches in America, London and Portugal, and Bishop of Skara in west Gothland. His father is described as learned, talented and eminently pious; a great lover of books, a voluminous writer, and