Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 2.djvu/77

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Thus far concerning the correspondence of the internal or spiritual man with the external or natural. I shall now treat of the correspondence of the whole heaven with every part of man.

It has been shown that the universal heaven resembles one man, that it is in the form of a man, and is therefore called the Grand Man. It has also been shown that the angelic societies whereof heaven consists, are arranged like the members, organs and viscera in man; so that some are in the head, some in the breast, some in the arms and some in every particular part of those members. The societies, therefore, which are in any member in heaven, correspond to a like member in man.

That heaven is distinguished into two kingdoms, one of which is called the celestial and the other the spiritual kingdom, may be seen above. The celestial kingdom in general corresponds to the heart and to all things in the whole body belonging to it; and the spiritual kingdom to the lungs, and to all things throughout the body belonging to them. The heart and the lungs also form two kingdoms in man. The heart rules therein by the arteries and veins, the lungs by the nervous and moving fibres,—both, in every effort and action.

In every man's spiritual world which is called his spiritual man, there are also two kingdoms; the kingdom of the will and the kingdom of the understanding.