Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 2.djvu/79

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Grand Man which is heaven, are in the good of charity and faith, and also flow into the breast of man to which they correspond. But they in the Grand Man or heaven who are in the loins, and in the organs dedicated to generation there, are in conjugial love. They who are in the feet, are in the ultimate good of heaven which is called spiritual-natural. They who are in the arms and hands, are in the power of truth derived from good. They who are in the eyes, excel in understanding; they who are in the ears, in attention and obedience; they who are in the nostrils, in perception; and they who are in the mouth and tongue, in discourse from understanding and perception. They who are in the kidneys excel in truth which examines, separates and corrects; and they who are in the liver, pancreas and spleen are skilled in the various purifications of good and truth.

So with those in other members and organs. They all flow into similar parts of man, and correspond to them. The influx of heaven is into the functions and uses of the members; and uses, because they are from the spiritual world, clothe themselves with a form by means of things in the natural world, and thus appear in the effect. Hence comes correspondence.

Hence it is that these same members, organs and viscera, denote similar things in the Word; for all things in the Word have a signification according to correspondences. By the head, therefore, is signified intelligence and wisdom; by the breast, charity; by the