Page:The Swedenborg Library Vol 2.djvu/86

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to the vine, the olive, the cedar and others; and the good works which they do are compared to fruits.

The food also which they produce, especially that from grain, corresponds to the affections of good and truth, because these nourish the spiritual life as terrestrial food does the natural. Hence bread in general corresponds to the affection of all good, because it supports life better than other aliments, and because bread means all kinds of food. On account of this correspondence also the Lord calls Himself the bread of life. And for the same reason, too, bread was applied to a sacred use in the Israelitish church; for it was set upon the table in the tabernacle, and called the bread of faces [or show-bread]. Likewise all the divine worship which was performed by sacrifices and burnt-offerings, was called bread. On account of this correspondence, also, the most holy solemnity of worship in the Christian church is the Holy Supper, in which are distributed bread and wine. From these few examples the nature of correspondence may be clearly seen.


In what manner the conjunction of heaven with the world is effected by correspondences, shall also be briefly explained.

The kingdom of the Lord is a kingdom of ends which are uses; or,—what is the same,—it is a kingdom of uses which are ends. Therefore the universe was so