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man rises again after death; and, (2d) that they are not given in marriage in heaven.

(1st.) That man rises again after death, He taught by these words, that "God is not the God of the dead, but of the living;" and that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are alive. He taught the same also in the parable of the rich man in hell and Lazarus in heaven (Luke xvi. 22-31).

(2d.) That in heaven they are not given in marriage, He taught by these words; " They who shall be accounted worthy to attain another age, neither marry nor are given in marriage." That no other than spiritual nuptials are here meant, is evident from the words which immediately follow: that they can no more die, because they are like the angels, and are children of God being children of the resurrection. By spiritual nuptials is meant conjunction with the Lord, and this is effected on earth; and when it is effected on earth, it is also effected in heaven. Therefore in heaven the nuptials are not repeated, nor are they given in marriage. This is also meant by these words: "The children of this age marry and are given in marriage; but they who are accounted worthy to attain another age, neither marry nor are given in marriage." These are also called by the Lord children of the nuptials (Matt. ix. 15; Mark ii. 19); and now, angels, children of God and of the resurrection.

That to celebrate nuptials is to be joined with the Lord, and that to enter into nuptials is to be received