Page:The Swiss Family Robinson, In Words of One Syllable.djvu/31

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took hold of the nuts that were near, and flung them straight at us. This was not new to me, for I had read that it is oft done by men who live in the woods, and have to get their food as best they can; but the trick made Fritz laugh, who soon had hard work to pick up the nuts that were thrown at him.

We broke some of the nuts, and put the juice of the canes in the thick white cream which forms close to the shell; and this made us a dish so sweet and nice that Fritz said it was fit for a king. Turk did not seem to like it, so we gave him some of the meat in our bag, which we could now well spare.

Fritz and I then made fast some nuts to a string, which I tied round my waist, while he took up his canes, and we both set off on our road home.


On our way back we took up the gourd bowls and plates, which we found quite dry and hard as bone, and put them in our bags. We had scarce got through the wood, when Turk made a dart in front of us, and we saw a troop of apes rush out of his way. But he gave a leap and brought down one that could not