Page:The Swiss Family Robinson (Kingston).djvu/531

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“New Switzerland for ever!” shouted the whole company enthusiastically, as they raised their glasses, and made them touch with a musical ring, which so expressively denotes a joyful unanimity of sentiment.

“Prosperity to New Switzerland: long may she nourish;” echoed on all sides.

“Long life and happiness to those who make New Switzerland their home!” added Ernest to my great surprise, leaning forward as he spoke, to ring his glass with mine, his mother's, and Mr. Wolston's.

“Won't somebody wish long life and prosperity to those who go away?” inquired Jenny with a pretty arch look. Much as I long to return to England and my father, my inclination will waver if all the cheers are for New Switzerland!”

“Three cheers for England and Colonel Montrose,” cried Fritz, “success and happiness to us who return to Europe!” and while the vaulted roofs rang with the cheering elicited by this toast, a glance from Jenny showed him how much she thanked him for appreciating her wish to return to her father, notwithstanding her attachment to our family.

“Well,” said I, when silence was restored, “since Fritz resolves to go to England, he must undertake for me the duty of bringing happiness to a mourning father by restoring to him this dear daughter, whom I have been ready to regard as my own, by right of finding her cast on the shores of my island.

“Ernest chooses to remain with me. His mother and I rejoice heartily in this decision, and promise him all the highest scientific appointments in our power to bestow.

“And now what is Jack's choice? The only talent I can say he possesses is that of a comic actor, and to shine on the stage he must needs go to Europe.”

“Jack is not going to Europe, however,” was his reply. “He means to stay here, and when Fritz is gone, he will be the best