Page:The Tattooed Countess (1924).pdf/196

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opened the screen-door, and emerged with his black bag.

Gareth rose. How's mother? he asked.

The crisis is past. She's better, but she must be kept quiet all day. Don't talk to her. Ive got her in bed, and she'll soon be asleep. Ive given her some drops. Where's your father?

I don't know. Inside, I guess. Do you want me to get him? Can't I do anything?

Nothing to do, sonny, but leave her alone. She needs rest. Later, well, perhaps in a month or two, we'll see, we can take her to the hospital. It's her only hope . . . an operation. But she's not fit for it now. Her heart . . . Sonny, did anything happen to excite her?

Yes, said Gareth, something did.

Family squabble?

Yes, Gareth replied.

It mustn't happen again, the doctor warned him, gravely. She might not be able to withstand another attack.

Henry Johns appeared in the doorway. Well, doctor? he queried anxiously.

Mother's asleep, father, Gareth explained. She's better, he added.

Must go along, the doctor said. I've got to see another patient. Gareth will tell you all about it. I'll drop in again after supper tonight. If there's more trouble . . . where won't be if she's left alone . . . send for me.