Page:The Tattooed Countess (1924).pdf/298

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I tell you yes. There's worse. Both of 'em had bags and she was leanin' on his arm.

No! Do tell!

I'm tellin' you. Fred was real close to 'em—they don't know him from Adam—an' he heard her callin' him Baby an' Dearie!

Well, well! the old hussy. Mrs. Fox was thoroughly contented with life.

She's old enough to be his gramma, sixty if she's a day!

So he didn't go to college. He's a slick one.

What'd I tell you all summer? When two people, male an' female, goes trampin' round the country all day there's allus somethin' in it. Where there's fire there's flame I allus sez. I knew they was sparkin'.

What'll his father do?

Shut up, I guess. He orter be glad to be rid o' the dude.

What'll Lou Poore do?

Same as afore. She ain't seen her sister here for twenty years. I guess it'll be about twenty more afore she dares show her face agin in these parts.

What'll Lennie Colman do?

This last query, apparently, was what Mrs. Bierbauer had been waiting for. Before replying, she smacked her lips. Serves her right, she said, for foolin' with children placed under her in the High