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'Twon't be no great loss. He ain't had no bringin' up since his mother's took drugs.

They say 'twas that time she had rheumatiz she took morphine to stop the pains.

Well, she's mighty queer most o' the time now. She went past here yesterday while you was makin' the bed without a hat on.

Without a hat!


What next! She'll be goin' without her corsets soon.

Or her skirt.

Or her waist.

Or her shoes.

They'll lock her up in the lunatic asylum. An' her son out scorchin' on a bicycle!

The sunlight caught the glint of Mrs. Bierbauer's gold front teeth. She lifted a novel in a yellow cover from the top of a table, bereft of varnish by nights of inclement weather.

Have you read Gunter's new book? she asked.

I don't get much time to read, you know, Mrs. Bierbauer, Mrs. Fox apologized.

I don't neither but this is quite a good book. After you get your chores done you might want to borrow it.

I've got to make some fried-cakes today. Mr. Fox is partial to fried-cakes with his coffee.

What does he say about the country?