Page:The Theatre of the Greeks, a Treatise on the History and Exhibition of the Greek Drama, with Various Supplements.djvu/223

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CHEONOLOGY OP THE GREEK DEAMA, B. C. ' Olympiad. The Drama. Contemporary Persons and Events. 708 693 610 594 562 549 544 535 5^5 524 519 518 511 500 499 495 490 xvni. I. XXI. 4. xui. 3. XLVI. 3. LIV. 3. LVII. 4. LIX. J. LXI. 2. LXIII. 4. LXIV. I. LXV. 2. 3- Lxvn. 2. 508 Lxvni. I, Archilockus. Sinwnides of Amorgus. Anon and Stesichorus fl. Solon fl. Siisarion. Tlieognis. Tkespis first exhibits. ^schylus bom. Cltcerilus first exhibits. Cratinus bom. PhiY'^ichus first exhibits. Institution of the Xopos av8puv. Lasus of Hemiione, the dithy- rambic poet. Gyges of Lydia. Pisander of Corinth. Usurpation of Pisistratus, B.C. 560. — The accession of Cyrus, B.C. 559. Deatb of Phalaris. A nacreon, Ihycus, Eipjponax, — Pythagoras. Camhyses conquers Egypt. Pindar bom. Expulsion of the P isistratid<B, B.C. 510 — of the TarqidnSf B.C. 509. HeracUtus and Parmenides, the philosophers. — Hecatceus, the historian. LXX. 1. ^/jicAannws perfects Comedy. Birth of Anaxagoras. jEschylus first exbibits, and con- tends with Ckceinlus and Pra- tinas. Birth of Sophocles. Lxxii. 3. 1 ^schylus at Marathon. Ionian war commences, and Sardis is burnt. Miletus taken, B.C. 494. MUtiades.