Page:The Theatre of the Greeks, a Treatise on the History and Exhibition of the Greek Drama, with Various Supplements.djvu/227

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CHRONOLOGY OF THE GREEK DRAMA. 209 B.C. OljTiipiacL ! The Drama. Contemporary Persons and Events. 342 CIX. 3. Birth of Menandcv. 1 ' Timoleon at Syracuse.— Zjocroff.-?. j — A ristotle. 336 CXI. I. Amphis, the comic poet, exhibits. 1 stni ' Philip assassinated. 335 2. Philippides, the comedian. 332 cxn. I. Stephanus, the comic poet. Siege of Tyre. 330 3. Philemon begins to exhibit. Darius slain. 324 CXIV, I. Timocles still exhibits. Alexander dies. — Demosthenes dies, B.C. 322. 321 — 4. Menandri 'Opy-q. Dipkilus. 307 CXVIII. I. Demetrius, the comic poet. EpicuriLS. — Agathocles. 304 CXIX. I. Archedippus, Philijjpides, and AnaxippiiS, the comic poets, flourish. Demetrius PoUorcetes. 291 CXXII. 2. Death of Menander. 289 4- Posidlppus begins to exhibit — Rhinthon flourishes. 280 CXXV, I. Sotades. War with Pyrrhus. no cxxxvn. 3. Maclio, the comedian. . 200 CXLV, T. ApoJIodo'Vus, the Carystian. Plaufus dies. D. T. G. 14