Page:The Theatre of the Greeks, a Treatise on the History and Exhibition of the Greek Drama, with Various Supplements.djvu/290

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264 ON THE EEPEESENTATION OF troduces us to the yopri'^iov or BtBaa/caXecov, which was probably in one of the j)arascema or green-rooms of the theatre^, just as the Fig. 26. chorodidascalus is giving the last instructions to the choreutse and actors, before the commencement of the satyric drama for which they are dressing. Seated on a chair he is addressing one of the two choreutge before him, and apparently teaching him how to manage his hands. One of these choreutoe has not yet put on his mask, the other has raised it that he may the better observe his teacher. As the roll of paper, which the chorodidascalus holds in his left hand, is folded up, we infer that he has already gone through the text of the play. Near the center of the picture we have a flute-player tuning his double flute. He is probably the x^P^^~ Xt}^, who accompanied the chorus, and this name was inscribed on the base of the statue (fig. 27) found on the Appian way. This instru- mental performer is crowned with green and yellow leaves, and his long gown is white, with blue stripes running from the top to the bottom. Over his breast and shoulders and down to his hips he has a trimming of violet with reddish crosses or stars. This trim- ^ Pollux, IV. § 106 : x'^PVy'^ov TOTTOS ov 71 TapaaKevTj tov x^pov. Cf. IX. §§ 41, 42. Bekk. Anecd. "ii, 17: xop'>?7f to: tottos ^vda 6 x^PVyos roi^s re xopoi)s kul roiii viroKpiras avvdyoju crvveKphrei.. We learn from Antiphon {de Choreut. § 11, p. 143) that the hL^aa-KaKetov was sometimes in the choragus' own house : irpdorov pikv didaaKa- Xeiov y ijv eTTLTTjSeLOTaTOP ttjs ifMTjs oiKias KaTeaKe6a(Ta. But we are disposed to agree with Magnin {Revue d. d. Mond. T. xxil. p. 257): quelque f<it d'ailleurs le lieu oti Ton comniengat des exercices, on les terminait au theatre, dans une piece des para- scenia ou du postsceniura appelee xopayeiou.