Page:The Theatre of the Greeks, a Treatise on the History and Exhibition of the Greek Drama, with Various Supplements.djvu/340

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A List of some of the Works, relating, in part at least, to the Greek Drama, which have been referred to in the preceding pages. R. Bentley. Dissertation on the Epistles of Phalaris London, 1699 A. Bockh. Stattshauslialtung der Atliener. . Berlin, 1817 translated by G. C. Lewis . . . London, 1828, and 1842 Corpus Inscriptionum Grsecarum . BeroUni, 1828 — De Gra3C83 Tragoedi^e Principibus . Heidelberg, 1817 H. F. Clinton. Fasti Hellenici Oxford, 1827-34 O. F. Gruppe. Ariadne Berlin, 1834 K. O. Miiller. Eumeniden Gottingen, 1833-6 Museum Criticum Cambridge, 1826 Philological Museum Lhid. 1832-3 Schneider. De Originibus Tragoedise et Comce- dise Vratislavim, 1817 Eotscher. Aristophanes und sein Zeitalter . . Berlin, 1827 J. W. Siivern. tJber Aristophanes Wolken . Ibid. 1826 . Uber Aristophanes Alter . . Ibid, 1827 On the Birds of Aristophanes, translated by W. R. Hamilton London, 1835 F. G. Welcker. Die ^schylische Trilogie . Darmstadt, 1824 — Nachtrag zu demselben . . Frankfurt am Main, 1826 Der Epische Cyclus .... Bonn, 1835 A. Meineke. Historia Critica Comicorum Gr93- corum, cum Fragmentis BeroUni, 1839-41 K. O. Miiller. History of the Literature of Ancient Greece, translated by G. C. Lewis and J. W. Donaldson. London, 1840-2 ; new and complete edition London, 1858^ G. Bernhardy. Grundriss der Griechischen Lit- teratur, zweiter Theil Halle, 1845 A. Schonborn. Die Skene der Hellenen . . . Leipsig, 1858 W. H. Kolster. Sophokleische Studien . . . Hamburg, 1859 F. Wieseler. Theatergebaude und Denkmaler des Blihnenwesens bei den Griechen und Eomern Gottingen^ 1851 1 The paging of both editions of Mliller's own part of the book is given for the convenience of those who do not possess the complete work in three vohimes.