Page:The Theatre of the Greeks, a Treatise on the History and Exhibition of the Greek Drama, with Various Supplements.djvu/417

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OF THE GREEK DRAMATISTS. 391 Med. 7o7 — 761. 'AA.Aa a 6 Matas rrofj^TroLos ai/a£^ wv T i—LVOLav (T:r6voets Kare^^tov, 7rpa^€La<s, cttci yeri'ato? ai'T/p, Atyev, Trap' e/xot ScSoKijcrat. IX. — 7^/i€ Aiiapestic Tetrameter Catalectic, 1. peculiar to Comedy, consists of eight feet all but a syllable ; or may be considered as made up of t^ro dimetei^, of M-hich the second is catalectic to the first. Its scan,sional table is Q-iven below : I "- 3 4 5 6 7 8 wv^ — J^ — w^ — KJJ — KJJ ^j — v^W- - ^ — ^^ — ^J — wv^ JJ One restriction as to the feet separately admissible obtains, that the two feet —JKJ v-^ v-/ — , in that order, no where conciu' in the long Anapestic. 2. In the long as in the shuit Anapestic verse Dactyls are admitted much more sparingly into the second than into the first place of the dipodia. (Elmsley, p. 93.) 3. In the 1200 (or more) Tetrameter Anapestics of Aristophanes only nineteen examples occui- of a Dactyl in 2nd, the only second place of a dipodia which it can occupy. In thii-teen of those verses the preceding foot is also a Dactyl, as in Niib. 400 : ovh KXctoi'v/xoT', ovh Qeoipov; j Kairoi acfioSpa y €l(j' i-topKOL. In the remaining six of those verses four have the Dactyl after a Spondee, as Xuh. 408 : CO— Tcjv yacrripa rot? crvyya'ecnv, [ kclt' ovk ea-^iov a/xeXrjcra?. The other two have the Dactyl after an Anapest, as Xub. 351 : Tt yo-p, ^v ap—aya rdv S'qixocTLoiv j KarlSoiCL St'/j-cora, tl SpiocrLv; (Ehnsley, p. 93.) 4. The last quoted verse exhibits the transition (in long Anapestics) from Anapestic movement to Dactylic in sepai*ate words. The following verses show within the same word the transition from Dactylic move- ment to Anapestic. Both ca^es are very rare : Vesjy. TOG. ct yap if^ovXovro /Slov Toplaai | t<Z Bijfxw, paStov ^v av. i , , « I " Ran. 1044. Ovk olt> ovScls rjVTiv cpwcrav j ttwttot' iTroir^acL yi'iatKa.