Page:The Theatre of the Greeks, a Treatise on the History and Exhibition of the Greek Drama, with Various Supplements.djvu/419

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OF THE GREEK DRxVMATISTS. 393 And the other three verses (519, 570, 584), though wanting the division after the first dipodia, yet present the continuous flow of Anapestic movement throughout : 570. iTn/SovXevovcri T€ tw TrXrjO^L, kcu t<2 8>y/>ta) ttoXc/xovo-iv. N.B. In the Tetrameter Anapestic verse the very same hiatus of a long vowel or diphthong sometimes occurs as in the Dimeter. (Vide ch. viii. § 8). For instance, Plut 528. OvT Iv SaTTLcnv' rt? yap v^aivcLV iOeXrjcreL, ypvcrLov ovtos; 549. OvKovv SyTTOv rrjs IlTw^^ctas TIevtW (fya/xlv elvaL aScXffyijv; X. — The Ictus Metricus of Anapestic Verse. 1. The metrical ictus has been briefly explained at the beginning of this Introduction. Its application to the dipodias of Anapestic verse is quite clear and persi)icuous : the ictus falls on the last syllable of the I . ' I WW— and its companion , and on the first of the — w w and its 1 accompanying . First, in a line of pure AnajDCsts, all but one Spondee in the 5th, which there seems to predominate : I II I II I II , I Aves, 503. o(3oXov Kare/SpoxO iaa, Kara kcvov tov OvXaKov otKaS' acfieiXKOv. Secondly, in a line of Anapests and Spondees : I II ^ I II |_ n I Plutus^ 536. Kttt Traihaipioiv VTroTreivcovTwi/ kcll ypdiSnov KoXoavprov; Thirdly, in a line with Dactyls and Spondees in the first dimeter : ^1 II I II I II I Plutus, 575. aXXa (}>Xvapei<; Kai Trrcpvyt^ets. Kai ttcos (ficvyova ere Travres; Fourthly, in lines of mixed movement Anapestic and Dactylic : I II I II in I Ibid. 508. Suo 7rp€cr(3vTa ^vv6iacr(x)Ta tov Xrjpetv Kai TrapairaLCLV. I II I II . I II I 529. ovT€ fivpoLcnv iLvpicrai oraKTOts, OTtorav vvfXKJi-qv ayayrjaOov. 2. After this, the ictuation of the short Anapestic verse of Tragedy- is very simple : I , II ^ I II 3Ied. 129, 30. /xct^ous 8' aras, orav opyicrOrj Baifxoiv, otKots a7reo{UK€v. Ibid. 1080 — 85 (with — ww in first of the Paremiac). I II . . . aXXa yap eartv ' ' '" fiovcra Kttt rjfjLLv, rj TrpodoixiXu