Page:The Theatre of the Greeks, a Treatise on the History and Exhibition of the Greek Drama, with Various Supplements.djvu/446

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420 EXAMINATION PAPERS ON 26. Explain the terms, hyperhcdon, zeugma, prolepsis, and give an instance of each. Translate : rts ov reOvrjKey rtVa Sc koI TrcvOr'jcrofjiev TcSv dp)(€€LOiv, 09 t', CTTt (TKrprTov)(ia Ta^Oets, avavSpov ra^iv rjp-qfxov Oaviav. In tJie lines : cus ct /LtcXatVi^s wktos T^erat Kve^ag, "EAXryi^es ou juLevouv, aWa aiXfxaaL Newv CTTCv^opovrcs aXXos oAXocre Apacr/xaJ Kpv^ato) j^toTOV ckctcu- o-otttTo — what corrections have been proposed 1 Translate the lines as they are here written. Explain the construction of the lines : cvrau^a irifXTrei towS', oitods orav vewv ^^apcvres ixOpoi irfjaov iKcrmtplaTo. In what cases are adverbs of time properly followed by the indicative, in what by the subjunctive or the optative mood"? When is the subjunctive, and when the optative required after a relative pronoun or adverb? Explain the distinction between the grammatical and the rhetorical ellipsis. To what figure does the construction of the following words belong 1 TviOa 8' iKcjivycLV avaKT avTov ws aKovopL^v ©prjKrj^ a/ATreStr^pci? 8v(7;(t/xovs re Kt€.{>- 6ov<i. Distinguish the dififerent meanings of the following words accord- ing to the difference of their accentuation : ayr;, yStos, ^poTos, yavXo?, Brf[JLo<s, Bipfio^y OoXo<;y koXos, Kr;p, Ai^vos, Xi9, veto?, vojuos, rpoTTos. SOPHOCLIS PHILOCTETES. Trinity College. June 1833. Mr. Martin. 1. (a) Give the dates of the birth and death and first tragic victory of Sophocles. (b) In what war was he engaged? What was its duration and event ? (c) How long after the death of Sophocles and Euripides did Aristophanes produce his Ranee ? {d) Translate and explain : HPA. Etr' ovp(t '^o(f>OK€a, Trpor^pov ovt ^vpnrihov, MeAXei? avayayetv, etrrep eKelOev Set a ayetv; AIO. Ov Trpiv y av 'lo<jf)c3vr', aTroXajSoJV avTOV fxovoVy "Avcv '^ocjiOKXiov's 6 TL TTotet K<x}S<ji)VL(TO), {Ran. 76.) 2. {a) How far does Phrynichus appear to deserve the title of Father of Tragedy ?