Page:The Theatre of the Greeks, a Treatise on the History and Exhibition of the Greek Drama, with Various Supplements.djvu/449

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(b) Translate:

(Symbol missingGreek characters) (v. 411.) What is the objection to Hermann's interpretation?

(c) To which of the generals in the Iliad is Sisyphus said to be related ? {11. vi.) What character is there given of him ?

(d) How may (Symbol missingGreek characters) be explained by an ellipsis?

(e) What is the chief distinction in the use of (Symbol missingGreek characters) and (Symbol missingGreek characters) ? Distinguish between (Symbol missingGreek characters).

13. (a) Distinguish between (Symbol missingGreek characters) (v. 48) and (Symbol missingGreek characters)

(b) What is the rule with respect to the use of (Symbol missingGreek characters) followed by an infinitive, or a subjunctive or optative mood? What is there remarkable in (Symbol missingGreek characters) ? (Herod. B. vii.)

14. Translate the following passages and explain the construction:

(a) (Symbol missingGreek characters) (v. 279.)

(b) (Symbol missingGreek characters) (v. 325.)

(c) (Symbol missingGreek characters) (v. 488.)

(d) (Symbol missingGreek characters) (v. 512.)

What peculiar sense does (Symbol missingGreek characters) admit? Is 'impleri' ever used in the same manner?

(e) (Symbol missingGreek characters) (v. 564.)

Explain the, force of (Symbol missingGreek characters) here, and in (Symbol missingGreek characters) (Thucyd.)

15. Translate the following passages:

(a) (Symbol missingGreek characters) (v. 16.)

(b) (Symbol missingGreek characters)