Page:The Theatre of the Greeks, a Treatise on the History and Exhibition of the Greek Drama, with Various Supplements.djvu/459

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THE GREEK TRAGEDIANS. 433 Assuming the coexistence of an ethical and an artistic element in this play, show how Sophocles attempts to satisfy the requirements of both in the development of the plot and of the two leading characters. 7. Quote Horace's lines on the duties of the Chorus, and apply them to the particular case of the Antigone. Distinguish between the terms TrapoSos, o-racrt/xov, and c/i/tcXeta, and explain the connexion exist- ing between the odes in this play and the dramatic action of the piece. 8. Tov Trpiv OavovTos Mcyapctos kXclvov d^os. By what name is Megareus known in the Phcenissa^ ? How is his story introduced into that play? Does his death precede or follow that of Eteocles? Do you suppose that Sophocles intended to follow the an- cient legend in all the subordinate incidents of this play? Mention an instance from the CEdipus Coloneus in which he has departed from the account of the Cyclic Thebais. In which of his plays has Sophocles vio- lated the so-called Unities of Time and Place ? 9. Draw a map which shall contain Boeotia, the islands of Euboea and Naxos, and the Saronic Gulf. 10. Translate the following passages, and, wherever the meaning or the text is a matter of dispute, give your own opinion on the subject and your reasons for it : (1) *0 KOLvov avTaBiXffiov ^Icrfj.i]vr]^ Kapa, ap otcr^' ort Zevs tcov (xtt OlSlttov KUKuiv OTTOLOV ov)(l vwv €TL t,ui(raLV TcXct; ovScv yap q-lt dXyetvov ovt drr]<i arcp OCT al(r)(pov ovt dTip-ov iaO* ottocov ov TOJV (T(2v T€ KdfXOJV OVK OTTOJTt' CyoJ KaKUJV. (2) Totos dfXffH v(j)T irdOrj Trarayos Apeo? avTiirdXio bv(T)(^€Lp(DlXa SpaKOVTl. (3) K^aOrJixiO* OLKpwv ck Trdywv VTnjvefXot, oa-fxrjv d-rr avTOv p.rj (^dXrj 7r€<^€uyoTC?, eyeprt klvQv dvhp dvrjp i-mppoOoL^ KaKolcTLV, CITIS TOvSi' dcfieL^TJcrOL TTOVQV. (4) 'AAV ilr dS€(j>rj<s iiO* op,at/xov€crT€pa TOV TravTos -qixlv Z'qv6<i kpKiiov KvpcL avTT] T€ )(y] $vvaifxo<s ovk dv$€Tov fXOpOV KaKL(rT0V. D. T. G. 28