Page:The Theatre of the Greeks, a Treatise on the History and Exhibition of the Greek Drama, with Various Supplements.djvu/463

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INDEX. ACH.EUS Eretriensis, the tragedian, i6o Acharnians, 182, 300 sqq. Actors, one introduced by Thespis, 59 ; another by ZEschylus, 98; a third by Sophocles, 120, and Cratinus, 169; only three allowed to each dramatist, 215, 268 ; their gains and character, 272; not paid by the choragi, 215; neglected by-play altogether, 269 ; used bodily exercises, '272 Admission-money to the theatre, 2 70 Adonis, 18 Adrastus, subject of lyrical tragedies at Sicyon, 41. ^gicores, 58 j^olic form in the dramatists, 379 ^schines as an actor, 273, 274 ^schylus, his life, 95 — 98 ; number of his dramas, 98 ; improvements in tragedy, 98, 99; his Agamemnon, 276; Choe- phoroe, 279; Eumenides, 281; his poli- tical aims therein, 97, 201 ; Suppliants, 109; Seven against Thebes, 106; Per- sians, 105 ; Prometheus Bound, 107, 283 ; Prometheus Fire-bringing, 102, note 3; Orestea, in; his style and diction, 103 ; his plays allowed to be acted after his death, 99, note 4 ; a Pythagorean, ib. note 5; his Si/feXt(r/i6j, 97, note i ; ac- cused of plagiarism from Phrynichus, 92, note 1 1 ; relation between his tragedy and the plastic arts, lor, note i; his aristocratical spirit, 97 ; his works bear internal proofs of his fondness for the Dorians, 102 ; and of his militaiy spirit, 103 Afranius, 308 Agatharchus, the inventor of stage scenery, 241 Agathon, the tragedian, 160; first inserted choruses foreign to the play, 340 ' Ay prjvdy, 2 ^y Aiivpai, 241 Alexis, the comedian, 198 "AXftTTjo-Ttj, no reason to show that Thespig never wrote a play so named, 66 Ameipsias, the comedian, 173 'Avayvdopiais or Discovery, 336 Anapaests, when they may form the first foot in the senarius, 378, note. Anapaestic Tetrameter Catalectic, 391 Anapaestic verses, 387; why mostly used in opening choral song, 243, 266 Anaxandrides, the comedian, 198 'Avia, 'Aviapds, quantity of, 412 Anthesteria, 19 Antigone, parody of the, 255 Antiphanes, the comedian, 78, 198 'AirayyeXia, 42 ' A-n-^pacris, 326 Apollo and Ormuzd, 20 Apollodorus, the comedian, 203 Apsephion, or Aphepsion, the Archon, 114 Araros, the son of Aristophanes, 193 'Ap^6ai, 245 Archilochus, 51; imitated by Cratinus, 169 Archon's wife espoused to Dionysus, 19 Ariadne, 16 Arion, the originator of the Tragic Chorus, 38 Aristarchus of Tegea, 160 Aristias, son of Pratinas, 94