Page:The Tibetan Book of the Dead (1927).djvu/120

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in a space 7 by 1 inches; the second page of the first folio along with the first page of the second folio, which give the Obeisances, consist of three lines, occupying a space 41/2 by 21/4 inches respectively, and these, like the title-page, are written in gold (now much faded) on a black background. The illustrations are on fourteen of the folios, each illustration being in the centre of the text, on one side of the folio (see Frontispiece), as follows:

On folio 18, Vairochana embraced by his skakti, the Mother of the Space of Heaven, seated upon a lion throne, the deities of the First Day;

On folio 20, Vajra-Sattva, embraced by his shakti, the Mother Māmakī, surrounded by their four accompanying deities of the Second Day;

On folio 23, Ratna-Sambhava, embraced by his skakti, the Mother Sangyay Chanma (‘She of the Buddha Eye’), surrounded by their four accompanying deities of the Third Day;

On folio 26, Amitābha, embraced by his skakti, the Mother Gökarmo (‘She of White Raiment’), surrounded by their four accompanying deities of the Fourth Day;

On folio 31, Amogha-Siddhi, embraced by his shakti, the Faithful Dölma (or Skt. Tārā), surrounded by their four accompanying deities of the Fifth Day;

On folio 35, the united maṇḍalas of the deities that dawn on the Sixth Day;

On folio 44, the maṇḍala of the Ten Knowledge-Holding Deities of the Seventh Day;

On folio 55, the Buddha Heruka and shakti of the Eighth Day;

On folio 57, the Vajra Heruka and shakti of the Ninth Day;

On folio 58, the Ratna Heruka and shakti of the Tenth Day;

On folio 59, the Padma Heruka and shakti of the Eleventh Day;

On folio 65, the Karma Heruka and shakti of the Twelfth Day;