Page:The Tourist's California by Wood, Ruth Kedzie.djvu/189

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CHAPTER VII SACRAMENTO, MT. SHASTA, LAKE TAHOE THE FEATHER RIVER CANYON Sacramento Shasta Springs Sisson. Sacramento Lake Tahoe via Placerville, and via Auburn. Sacramento Hawley. FRANCISCO - SACRAMENTO Several attractive routes unite San Francisco and the capital. The boats which ply the Sacramento River between the two cities (125 m. See Local Steamers, Chapter I) are comfortable stern- wheelers of fair speed. They bring one into close touch with the groves and truck gardens of the bottom-lands, a tract of great area reclaimed from tule (rush) marshes, walled against floods, and developed into one of the State's richest agricultural districts. The automobile road between Oakland, Haywards, Liver- more, Tracy, Stockton and Sacramento (130 m.) is excep- tionally good. An electric line, the Key Route from Oakland, reaches Sacramento via Antioch. The Santa Fe makes connection from Stockton via Lodi over the line of the Central California Traction Company (52 m.) ; the Western Pacific over its own rails, Oakland - Niles - Stockton - Sacramento. The most direct way is from Oakland by the Southern Pacific. Distance via Suisun City, 90 m. Time, 3y 2 hours. SAN FRANCISCO - SHASTA SPRINGS, via Oakland, Benicia, Suisun, Davis, Williams, Tehama, Red Bluff, distance 337 m. Time, 10 hrs. by Shasta Limited (Southern Pacific). 155