Page:The Tourist's California by Wood, Ruth Kedzie.djvu/20

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The Hamburg-American Steamship Company (45, Broadway, New York) maintains regular weekly sailings by the Atlas Line, New York—Colon; this company and others, including the North German Lloyd, the White Star and United Fruit Companies, also advertise winter cruises touching at Panama's easterly port. The Hamburg-American has an annual round-the-world tour via the Canal which permits a three-day stopover at San Francisco.

At San Diego and Los Angeles several trans-Atlantic steamship lines make regular calls. But unless they operate under American register, they cannot carry passengers from the United States ports on the Atlantic to United States "ports on the Pacific owing to coastwise laws which restrict the movements of foreign vessels.

San Francisco has frequent connection with trans-Pacific points—Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand and the Orient, via the Oceanic Steamship Company, the Matson Navigation Company, the Union Steamship Company of New Zealand, and the Toyo Kisen Kaisha (Oriental Steamship Company), all of which have representatives in the principle cities on the Coast.


Passengers arriving from Panama by a ship which has called at a Central American or other