Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/103

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riches and luxury of the Eaſt, are diſplayed with faſcinating charms. Our hoſt was that elevated kind of character, in which public find private virtues were happily blended; he united the Stateſman with the private Gentleman; the deep Politician with the ſocial Companion; and though of the mildeſt manners; he was brave in an eminent degree having led, the way to victory in many campaigns. Twelve miles from Monghere, is a famous monument erected on a hill called Peepaharea, which the love of antiquity induced us to viſt: it is a ſquare building, with an arch of hewn ſtone riſing over a marble ſtab, ſupported by ſmall round pillars of the ſame, without any in-
