Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/114

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ſeveral horſes and bullocks. Such of our hotteewallies, &c. as were fortunate enough to eſcape with, their lives from thoſe unfeeling barbarians, made the beſt of their way to the camp, and related the ſtory of ther ſufferings to the Commanding Officer, who kindled into reſrentment at the recital, inſtantly reſolved to ſend'the three Quarter Maſters with two companies of Seapoys, in the purſuit of the lawleſs aggreſſors, ſome of whom, they luckily found ploughing in a field, to which they were directed by two of the men whom Providence reſcued from their Cruelty; and obſerved numbers flocking from the hills to their aſſtiance: our me, arranged in military order, fired on them; ſome
