Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/123

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three regiments of Seapoys, were ordered to Bahamparempore, after ſome ſhort ſtay here.

Calcutta is a very flouriſhing city, and the preſidency of the Engliſh Company in Bengal. It is ſituate on the moſt weſterly branch of the leſs Ganges in 87 deg; eaſt lon. and 22, 45 north lat; 130 miles north eaſt of Baliſore, and 40 ſouth of Huegley. It contains a number of regular and ſpacious ſtreets; public buildings, gardens, walks, and fiſh ponds, and from the beſt accounts, its population has advanced to upwards of ſix hundred thouſand ſouls; The principal ſtreets are the Cho-k, where an endleſs variety of all ſorts of goods are ſold;
