Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/146

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the ſame formality as compliment gards in this country. The gueſts thus invited aſſembled in a great ſquare; large enough to contain two thouſand perſons; under a femiana of muſlin ſupported by handſome poles erected at a certain, diſtance from each other; the ſides of it were alſo made of muſlin, and none would be ſuffered to enter but Mahometans. The arrival of the Mulna was announced by the Muſic, who had a kind of orcheſtre within the ſemiana: attended by one of the Hajams, he approached the child who was decked with jewels and arrayed in ſcarlet muſlin, and ſat under a beautiful canopy richly ornamented with ſilk hangings, on an elegant elbow chair with velvet cuſhions
