Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/156

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ſilence; and the Prieſt opens the alcoran, which is held according to cuſtom by four perſons, one at each corner, and reads, in grave accents, the ceremony. The bride and bridegroom interchange rings, which they put on their fingers; and one of the bridesmaids, ſuppoſed to be her relation, comics behind both, who are veiled, and ties, in a cloſe knot, the ends of their ſhawls together, to ſignify their firm union. The Mulna, finally, conſecrates a glaſs of water and ſugar, which he preſents to them: they alternately taſte it, but the man gives it round to a few ſelect friends of the company, who, in turn, put it to their lips, wiſhing happineſs to the married couple.
