Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/168

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at Medina, viſited by the Mahometans, purely out,of curioſty and reverence to his memory. Moſt of his followers carry their veneration for the ſupreme Being ſo far, as not only, never go mention the word, Alla or Gpdtojn any common occaſion, but think it in ſome degrge blafphcmous to mnife; or dev fine a Being, whom they conſider as ſo infinitely tranſcendent to all praiſe, definition or, comprehenſion. Thus, they carry their ſcrupurloſity to ſuch a length, as not even to approve of calling him good, righteous, or merciful, from their thinking ſuch epithets ſuperfluous and impertinent; as if one were emphatically to ſay of a man that he had a head, or any other
