Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/171

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procures them every article of dreſs that can ſet them of to advantage They have different placee of abode, ſome times occupying the handſome houſes in towns or cities; and in the fine ſeaſon of the year, they retire to the country, where their villas, gardens, bowers, and every other rural improvement, are laid out in ſuch a manner, as to allure the moſt unconcerned obſerver; Hither, ſome of the Principal Nabobs and European Gentlemen of the firſt diſtnction, are drawn by; the love of pleaſure, and laviſh immenſe ſums on theſe creatures, who are gener ally recruited out of the people, of all caſts and denominations, though not with, out a peculiar attention to beauty
