Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/174

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The dreſs of theſe women, which differs according ntorthe cuſtom of the country, is in all, however, the moſt ſplendid conceivable. Their perſons glitter with jewels from head to toe, ſince even on their toes they wear rings. Carcanets adorn their necks, bracelets their arms, and chains of gold and ſilver, enriched with precious ſtones, their very ankles. They alſo wear noſejewels, to which the familiar eye is ſoon reconciled. Their breaſts are covered with thin muſlin, embelliſhed with gems, and the ſwell of the tempting boſom diſplayed to ſuch advantage, warms even frigid inſenſibility with a glow of ſoft ſenſations. Their necklaces are compoſed of flowers ſtrung toge-
