Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/181

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or twelve battalions of Seapoys, three companies of European Artillery, five companies of native Artillery, called Gullendas, and two companies of native Cavalry. A regiment of Seapoys on the preſent eſtabliſhment, conſitſs of; two battalions, each' battalion 500 men or five companies, with a Captain, two Lieutenants, three Enſigns, one Serjeant-Major, Europeans; beſides one Comedan, five Subidars, ten Jemidars, thirty Howaldars, thirty Honialdars, five Tombourwallas, five Baſleewallas, and five Troohewallas, Natives.

As you may not underſtand thoſe terms, I ſhall thus explain them to you:
