Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/198

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bably by the ſacred charcetr aſcribed to the ſcene, which had, through many ages, been conſdered as the repoſitory of the religion and learning of the Bramins, and the prevailing idea of the ſimplicity of the native; Hindoos, a people unaccuſtomed to the ſanguinary meaſures of, what they term, civilized nations.

But to return---the city of Beharas is built on the banks of the Gauges, and Extends along the river from Rahajgaut, at one end, to Raja Cheyt Sing's palace, at the other, which makes a diſtance of, at leaſt, four miles About the centre of the city; ſtands an ancient and lofty pile of build-
