Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/205

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and rulers who direct it's councils: the Bice, or third claſs, are the merchants and huſbardmen, who provide the neceſſaries and comforts of life by trade and agriculture, and thereby circulate through various channels the wealth of the nation: the Sudder, or fourth claſs, are the artiſans, labourers, and ſervants. There is another claſs, which is the meaneſt of all, compodſed of cher-wallees or gold finders, chemars or ſhoe—makers, and domerah or baſket—makers, who are held in ſuch ſovereign deteſtation, that the very mention of their names conveys, to the mind of a Hindoo, every idea of meanneſs and ſervility. No perſon, unleſs he be excommunicated; can quit, his caſt, or tribe; nor will
