Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/209

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moral duties. The Bramins adviſe their followers to go in pilgrimage to certain places, eſteemed holy, and eſpecially to the pagodas near the mouth of the Ganges: waſhing in that river alone, will, in their opinion, cleanſe them from a multitude of ſins. Their women riſe early in the morning to bathe, carrying pieces of dough on ſilver ſalvers, adorned with flowers, to the river ſide, and lighted lamps in their hands: after, bathing, they form the dough into images, which they worſhip with much adoration at the ſame time ringing bells and burning incenſe, and afterwards commit their images to the boſom of the Gang-tits, with ſome formality. However ſtrange their doctrine may
