Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/211

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in their ancient manuſcripts. Even before the age of Pythagoras, the Greeks travelled to India for inſtruction: the trade carried on by them with the oldeſt commercial nations, in exchange for their cloth, is a proof of their great progreſs in the arts of induſtry.

The women in general, except in the higher ſeenes of life, prepare the food for their huſbands and ſamilies; as he Hindoo would make uſe of any but what his wife dreſſes for him: it conſists chiefly of rice; fiſh, and vegetables, well ſeaſoned with pepper and other ſpices, to which they add pickles or various ſorts. The men, who always eat together, unaccompanied by the wo-
