Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/216

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for the natives find by experience, that in order to render a ſituation cool, in this ſultry region, they muſt totally exclude every ray of light; and breath of air till the fervid fun deſcends into the lap of Thetis. To the tops of their houſes, which are flat, they aſcen by narrow, ſteep, ſtair-caſes, and inhale the evening breeze after Sol's friendly departure.

The palace of Alahabad was entirely built of ſtone, hewn out of the rocks, at ſome diſtance from the banks of the Ganges, and brought hither at a vaſt expence. It is not unlike the Portland ſtone; but of a confer kind, and infinitely more porous. Not only the walls, but
