Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/225

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at the firſt onſet, when they came up, that their tanks were broken, and the greater part of them diſcouraged from diſappointment, and deſerted by the hope of an eaſy conqueſt, fled, in the utmoſt confuſion and diſorder, after an engagement in which, though ſoon over, many of the enemy fell. Coſſi-buffant eſcaped with thoſe who made off, at the commencement of hoſtilities; and Maboub was purſued, taken, and font priſoner, under a ſtrong guard to Aſpah-doulah at Lecknow, where he received that puniſhment, which his perfidy deſerved.

A few of our Seapoys were killed; and the gallant Captain Gravely, no leſs diſtingniſhed for his prowſs in
