Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/251

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ornamented muſlin. It is ſheltered by a grand dome ſupported by pillars, and on each tide is placed a large ſilver jar of water, from an opinion that he may riſe in the night to bathe, which the Mahometans look upon as a purification neceſſary to, prepare them for their admiſſion into the regions of happineſs. This town is much indebted to him for the great improvements it received during his reign; and the ſurrounding country alſo, which appears like one extenſive garden. His palace in Oude is an ancient but ſpacious manſion, and ſtill retains the ſtriking appearance of priſtine grandeur.

In the environs of the town, there
