Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/255

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dy in his ſeraglio, where nine hundred pining beauties, with their attendants, were already immured, he forced her to yield to his licentious deſires, but purchaſed his enjoyment at a dear rate, as his life was the forfeit of it. The violated female, with a ſoul, the ſhrine of purity, like that of the divine Lucretia, whoſe chaſity will ever adorn the hiſtoric page, fired with indignation at ſuch unmanly treatment, grew frantic with rage, and diſdaining life after the lots of honour, ſtabbed her brutal raviſher with a lancet, which ſhe afterwards plunged into her own boſom, and expired. Notwithſtanding the dangerous wound he received, by the appointment of Heaven, from the avenging
