Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/265

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prevailed, in former ages, over moſt of the Kings of the earth, now reaches little farther than his ſeraglio, where he dreams away life, drowned in the enjoyment of diſolute pleaſures. His Viziers, who tranſact the affairs of the ſtate, ſtudy rather to promote their own views, than advance his intereſt; and often abridge his power in order to increaſe their conſequence, They make peace of declare war, without his knowledge; and his Viceroys, on the other hand, who were, ſome years ago, appointed, or difmiſſed from office by him,have, of late, ſhaken off their dependance, and even nominated their own ſucceſſors. They alſo, like ſo many independent ſovereigns, grant
