Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/270

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ſtrictly purſuing the idea of Goldſmith, that elegant writer who obſerves in his Edwin and Angelina,

Man wants but little here below,
"Nor wants little, long."

They acquire a ſupport, by adminiſtering to travellers as they journey along the roads and highways, a chilm, or pipe of tobacco, for which they receive a ſmall gratuity. The rich and poor, ſometimes, promiſcuouſy mingle together, and often partake of the ſame refreſhment.

At Myckenpore, a ſmall village ſixty miles from Belgram, is the reſort of a number of Faquirs, from Delhi, Oude, sad the neighbouring
