Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/273

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Deity, than the indulgence of the paſſions: though man be not forbid to enjoy the good things of this life, yet an abuſe of that enjoyment; which evinces his ingratitude to Heaven, is puniſhed even here be, low, by waſting the ungenerous being to an untimely grave---but he who foregoes the pleaſures of a fleeting period, through an expectation of permanent happineſs, and ſuffers temporary torture in order to obtain endleſs bliſs, with a mind all directed to that great Power who gave him exiſtence, muſt, notwithſtanding the ridicule of the world, meet with a more favourable ſentence at his awful tribunal.

Not long before our departure
