Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/282

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ried ſcene; and his expanding lawns were adorned with figures of ſnow-white marble, that almoſt ſtarted under the artiſt's hand, from the rude material into life. On the domain was an Opera-houſe for his amuſement. At the outſide entrance to the palace, ſtood the Governor's guard.

Fifty miles from Calcutta lies the town of Hugley, defended by a ſtrong fortreſs, and ſurrounded by a deep ditch: it is a place of conſiderable traffic, particularly in the article of opium, which is brought: chiefly from Patna. Notwithſtanding the fatal effects of this plant, the irrevſible avarice of the Dutch, induces them to raiſe it wherever they
