Page:The Travels of Dean Mahomet.djvu/296

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eyes from the glare of the fun. Few of them have glaſs windows to any apartment, the ſaſhes being generally paned with a kind of tranſparent ſquare-cut oyſter-ſhells, tranſmitting ſufficient light, and excluding at the ſame time, the violence of it's glare.

At ſome'diſtance farther on the continent, there are fairs held; that laſt generally nine or ten days. Hither the Banyans reſort, and ſuch dealers as are ſometimes diſappointed by the Factors or Agents of the Company, (who beſpeak their commodities) to expoſe their goods for ſale on banks of earth raiſed for that purpoſe, under ſmall ſheds. The ſoil of this country is chiefly
